Have you ever thought to yourself damnit I wish I had more money to spend on supplements??? Well chances are this will not apply to everyone, however if you are an investor in the stock market you will still be able to relate to this article at some point or another throughout your glorious tenure that will be spent reading the next couple of paragraphs on this blog.
Has anyone ever wondered why there are so many mentally challenged stock market investors out there? You know who I'm referring to, I'm speaking of those news swaying speculators who decide one day that just because the housing market was down last month a fraction of a percent that all hell must break loose on their oil stocks so they decide to sell them all. At this point everyone else falls into two categories: Fucking bandwagon idiots and the rest of us value investors. I will go ahead and lump the fucking bandwagon idiots into the same boat as the slightly bad news let me sell all my stock investors as well. While the rest of us "value investors" sit and watch our stocks fall for no reason other tahn to make something up off the top of our head similar to the way Romans would have said well its because Zeus is mad at us so we just have to deal with it.
Next time you feel you are about to sell your stock, ask yourself these questions: Is this company's stock I'm about to sell still a good/great investment? Should I allow the news about some part of the economy or jobs that has nothing to do with the sector your stock be a factor when deciding to sell your stock? Am I a fucking moron? Well if you answered yes to any of the above questions and still sold your stock then I think you should have your penis and balls (if you are a man) and breasts (if you are a woman) punched with serious ferocity everytime you act so childish and idiotic with your decisions. Do you not realize that everytime you react in this way you not only cripple yourself financially in the gains you could have possibly made but you also are fucking with everyone else's money as well? This is where I step in and say "HEY ASSHOLE" you not only bankrupted your pansy, no disciplined ass but you also took the equity of my stock from possibly valuable to next to nothing. Is that stock you just sold still from a good company? Did they make their projections this quarter and the last? Have they continued to make revenue and expand their business? If yes is your answer to any of those questions then "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SELL YOUR FUCKING STOCK YOU "WELL WHEN I WAS YOUNG MY MOTHER AND FATHER ALLOWED ME TO PLAY SOCCER WHERE THERE WERE NO WINNERS AND WE JUST PLAYED TO PLAY THE GAME.........this is bullmolockey and the degradation of our society.
How does this apply to working out you ask? Well see in the world of bodybuilding and for those of us who take interest in building our bodies to be the most strong and most possibly fit we like to take supplements that help us blow past throw plateaus that we hit every so often. I'm not speaking of steriods or anything that has to do with putting man made hormones into your body but I am speaking of pre workout supplements, high grade whey protein, multivitamins, etc. Well when you fucktards who sell your stock every time Obama opens his mouth to say something is not going that great in the economy or when someone on the news is trying to sell you a sensationalized view of the world marketplace you drive down the equity I have in my stocks and when that happens I have less money in reserve for my savings. This in turn makes me rethink what I spend my money on since I will need certain supplements to continue gaining lean muscle mass and to continue to bust through my plateaus. So not only are you helping to bankrupt other people while doing the same to yourself but you are taking money away from me who would like to buy more supplements. This may sound petty but damn those supplements get expensive after you continuously need to replenish your supply of them. So here is a big fuck you to all your bandwagon assfaces who run scared and hide everytime the news portrays the housing market sales decrease of .01% to be the end of the world.
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