Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ever wonder what if?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to just pack up and leave your native country with little to no knowledge of the place you are headed except that it is as fascinating as it is tumultuously dangerous. We only sleep at night with peace when our lives in the daytime are not left incomplete. So what does that mean? Well I just made it up as I was sitting here, but to me it represents the struggle most of us have with being content with how our adult lives have played out throughout our short lifespan. Have we accomplished everything we always dreamed we would? Should we attempt to dream another dream before it drives us mad from never being able to attain it? Or should we break free from the our current melancholy daylights to daytimes that will only bring us closer to our inevitable permanent sleep that was meant only for those who have truly done what their heart has called on them to do. 

What is all this jibber jabber I keep talking about? This is the question I'm sure you are asking yourself, but as you sit here and read what is written, realize that I am the one asking these questions to myself and these questions are not directed towards anyone but my own mind since these questions only came from my mind. If I was to finally cut the bullshit and do what I truly and wholeheartedly felt like doing, there would be no future as far as my mind can see in front of me. I would have no way  to save up for a rainy day or when all of Hades breaks loose to ravage everything that I hold dear. No, I must continue to be a slave, plebe, or commoner to the everyday monotony of middle classed suburbia life. Do I wish to break free from these chains that are often overlooked as just mere "good debt?" Hell yes of course this is my true wish. I dream of finding a craft or trade that is solely reliant on my abilities to produce them or it, so that I may truly see and feel the tangible results of my work well done. With this craft that I would be solely responsible for, I would wish it to give me not wealth, but a vast amount of endearing freedom from constraints that almost anyone and everyone has that works a 9-5 job. The freedom I mention is not freedom to speak my mind but freedom from worldly constraints of a limited amount of time, money, and energy that limits you and I everyday when we decide that this object whether it be an experience or material possession is out of our reach simply because we do not possess the freedom (money, time, etc) to obtain it.

So what should I do if I am so dreadfully unsatisfied with this glamorous life living in the greatest nation in the world?

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