Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gym Etiquette for Incompetence

My last post dealt with types of foods that you should avoid or better yet eat within moderation to avoid the plague coming out of your asshole. However with this post I thought I would put something on here that hits home with individuals who actually have a heartfelt connection with their body and a healthy lifestyle. Or at least are attempting to wander down this path.

So about a week ago I'm in the Forst Drive Golds Gym just minding my gyme etiquette and training for the blood, sweat, and tears I love to see when I'm finished with my routine, a fat piece of shit comes out of left field and just completely ruins my day, afternoon, night, and sleep. Now if any of you know me personally my mood and personality can switch on the turn of a dime even though I work very hard to control this. I had already taken my preworkout supplement Jack3d so I was about to throw a 100lb dumbell through wall everytime I finished a set. My point being I was intensely alert and fueled for maximum weightlifting. With all of what I just mentioned in mind my buddy who I am currently training to become the next strong man/bodybuilder "John Benesh" (and yes he will get there with my help and his determination) is waiting on some fat piece of shit to finish doing his set of dumbell bicep curls with 25lbs in each hand right in front of the dumbell rack. I know I know I know exactly what you are thinking most guys dicks weigh more than 25lbs so it would be interesting to see if this degenerate even had a penis. So instead of just allowing John to wait until this nincumpoop moved and completed his set. I approached the oversized man child and said "hey bud excuse me." He responded by saying "just wait I'll be done in a second." Well this didn't sit well with me at all, especially since I try to be most courteous to everyone in the gym and was taught to be that way from day one no matter how weak or massive someone was. I responded to this jackass as such, "No you need to move, it's completely disrespectful and not courteous at all to be standing and doing your set while blocking the dumbell rack." He responded by saying "no its not disrespectful you are being ridiculous because you won't wait until I'm finished." Well by now as you can guess my blood is pumping and I would like to rip this guy a new asshole. I proceeded to say next "YES it is disrespectful and you need to be courteous of everyone else in here since you aren't the only one using the dumbells that weigh less than my penis." Well he didn't enjoy this comment very much and he stormed off, but needless to say there was no bloodshed unfortunately. John even mentioned that he thought there was going to be a battle royal breaking out at any moment, and hey I didn't disagree with him since I felt my fight or flight mechanisms start being ramped up. Needless to say that was the end of that confrontation with people who have no respect for others in the gym.

If this particular instance describes your day in the life of exercising at a gym then maybe you need to revaluate your life and consider how much you value it. I say this for the simple reason that I am able to control my temper but I do know quite a few meatheads within those gym walls that would have not thought twice about breaking you leg off for some extra protein in their diet.

Also I would like to mention this, if you are standing next to any bench or anything that could be used by someone to do an exercise and you see a person coming in that direction with an amount of weight that you will never be able to pick up, please and I repeat please get the fuck out of the way before I throw the weight at you next time. Doing this is not hard since you are probably lifting weight that is the equivalence to my testicles in pounds. Its not standing your ground when you do what was mentioned above but more or less you not being considerate to others who have extremely heavy weights in their hands and are making their way to a bench. Do you think we like having to lift really really heavy weights in order to stimulate our muscles to grow? Did you ever think to wonder that it would be nice one day to be able to lift your small dumbells and achieve the same growth as we currently possess? Well guess what we do like lifting weights that you will never be able to lift with two hands and we do have to lift these mammoths of dumbells in order for our bodies to continue growing since we most likely starting lifting 8 or more years ago.

Alright I hope everyone else feels as relieved as I do after releasing all that testosterone onto this blog, I know I do. So we have come to the end of this posting but please be on the lookout for my recommendations for training, my progress pictures, and recommendations for supplements to take. Oh yeah Jack3d rocks by the way.

As always Listen to me and you will learn cynical but yet logical knowledge, peace.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I was there the day this happened, but just missed it. I completely agree with you about the consideration oblivious people need to get in their heads due to the fact that I lift heavy ass weights over my head all the time. I constantly have to battle with *Weanies* getting in my way, and I am not saying that I wasn't there once, but I was never a tool about it. Get out of my F**king way, or one day this 110 lbs dumbell may just take your F**king foot for the ride of it's life. It's your foot or my face, and guess what, "I am stronger than most of you, so it's going to be your foot."
