Wayne that is my name, learn it

If your wondering what type of childhood this satirically awesome author had well it was awesome, so don't you psychoanalysts out there think I'm just using this blog as a soundboard. This blog is strictly for humorous, dirty mouthed, eyeopening, honest to God truths that need to be broadcasted into this world straight from the horse's mouth.

I grew up in good ole Martinsville, VA. There we have nothing to do besides hang out in Walmart, Wendy's, Sonics, and high school parking lots. Our local economy is held up by the two NASCAR races we have every year...I know right this is just an awesome testament to how well our little town is doing. As a young Wayne I was very very scrawny and extremely weak may I add. However the older I was able to put on a small amount of weight which allowed me to play some JV and Varsity sports later in highschool. Which were baseball, wrestling, crosscountry, indoor track, and one year of football (yes I was way too tiny to have any impact on some 200 + lbs fullback). After highschool I went on to the glorius James Madison University "THE University of Virginia." There I spent 4 wholesome years drinking myself into OCD and hazing pledges as if they had no souls until they reached the grand status of Brother in the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Sadly however there is no hazing left within my fraternity, and when I go back from time to time I have found that my general shenanigans and lack of respect for pledges is not welcomed anymore.

During my junior year at JMU I decided I wanted to pack on some muscle size so that's exactly what I did, but in addition to packing on the muscle, I packed on some extra fat since back then I had no clue what I know now about gaining lean muscle mass (more on my current methods will come later, so just stay tuned). I'm sure you all will want to see my before and after pictures so that is what will go up on the blog very soon. Anyways currently I work at a major Computer Services Company where I am employed as a Business Analyst, and no I will not take the time to write out my job title for you all because it would take too long to explain what it means. However if you are interested just ask me directly through a comment or by emailing me. Besides that I currently reside in the land of hotter than hell also known as Columbia, SC. Thanks for taking the time to read up about me and my past endeavors.

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